*Author's note: I'ma change this up a little. Each story will be *exactly* 100 words, and there will be no hint as to where the hell it came from. Is it an intrusive thought? Part of a dream? Who fucking knows?
See? Fun. 😁
She paused, scratching her palm.
“An itchy palm means money coming!” she thought, and
then laughed quietly, because she’d be stuck at this dead-end job forever.
A few layers under her skin, in the muscle of her
palm, the tiny worm felt pressure from above.
“That means I’m going to see outside again!” instinct
told it, but since it had burrowed into her palm via a puncture wound a few
weeks ago to lay eggs, outside had ceased to exist, except in genetic memory.
Six months later, she was awarded $500,000 for parasitic
The worm was not as fortunate.
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