Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bless Their Hearts


June 1, 2024

Guest- 7:12 AM

Hello just wanted you to know that im about to book your Airbnb.

Message from Airbnb Service

Request received · 4 guests, Jul 18 – 27

Message from Airbnb Service

Request accepted · 4 guests, Jul 18 – 28


Sheri-7:18 AM

Ok! We look forward to your stay!


Guest- 7:23 AM

Also I do have a pet hamster , is it possible to bring him in his cage if not it’s fine

8:05 AM

Again if not that’s fine


Sheri- 8:10 AM

I’m sorry, we don’t allow pets


Guest 12:10 PM

Okay that’s fine I’d still like to book

Jun 27, 2024

Guest- 11:29 AM

Good afternoon Sheri , i may have to make some changes to my stay i put the 18th-28th but I won’t arrive until the 19th so I wanted to see if we could edit the days if possible

Actually that was my mistake we’ll still be able to check in on the day of sorry for the inconvenience


Sheri- 5:03 PM

No worries! 😊

Jun 28, 2024

Guest- 3:48 PM

Good afternoon so yes we will be checking out on the 27th instead of the 28th because we have to be back by the 28th , how would I go about changing the dates after already putting money down on the Airbnb


Sheri- 6:40 PM

Just request a trip alteration and I’ll approve it 😊

Message from Airbnb Service

Guest requested a change to your trip. 

Message from Airbnb Service

Alteration request accepted: Guest is now confirmed for 4 guests from Jul 18 – 27. 

Guest- 7:26 PM

Thank you


Sheri7:26 PM


Jun 29, 2024

Guest- 6:41 AM

Good morning Sheri is it possible to use a discount or lower the price a little for our stay? If not that’s totally fine my coupon I had expired but was never used 😩


Guest- 11:42 AM

If not it’s fine


Sheri- 5:34 PM

I’m sorry, I’ve been out of pocket. As it is, we are by far the cheapest option with kitchen and washer/dryer and you are already receiving 25% off of that for staying over 7 nights.


*Between the lower regular rate for Monday-Thursday nights and the 25% discount for stays over 7 nights, guest’s total cost for NINE nights is $438.92


Guest- 5:35 PM

Oh okay okay no worries I understand


Sheri- 5:36 PM


Jul 15, 2024

Guest- 1:51 PM

Good afternoon Sheri I was wondering if it would be okay to have a few family members over only up to 3 but I saw there was a little chair area would that be okay for us to hang out at?

Well tree house would that be okay to sit out and have a few family members over


Sheri- 1:54 PM

Absolutely! Just limit people to 12 or less including yourselves 😊


Jul 16, 2024

Guest- 7:28 AM

Okay thank you so much

Jul 18, 2024


Sheri- 1:34 PM

Cottage is ready!
there is a small Starfish Farm sign and the house number on the fence.
When you turn in, there’s a sign directing you to take the right fork to Edna's House.
AC and lights are on, and key is in the door!

Text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx if you need anything!

One of the bridges in the road is out so you will have to come in from FM 314, NOT 607.
There will be a "bridge out" sign when you turn onto our road, just ignore it. There's one bridge that's done, cross that and then immediately turn right into the driveway or you'll be in the big hole where the other bridge was.

It sounds like you’re coming with kids or maybe have some kids visiting
Please be patient with my younger dog, who is actually the bigger dog as he is only six months old and still learning manners
He is very gentle, but it’s easy for him to tip over small people
Also, unless an area has been mowed or is dirt and especially if it’s in the woods, there’s 100% chance that it is poison ivy
I cleaned out the fire pit, and there is wood under the tarp by the treehouse
There are some waters and some cokes in the fridge and little drawer set with some disposable dishes and cups and silverware and napkins for y’all to use as well as trash bags
Please be sure to close the doors of the treehouse when you’re done or the dogs will get in and tear up all the cushions
Also turn the lights off when you’re done
Be safe and see you soon !


Guest- 6:30 PM

Okay no worries we were in Shreveport visiting family we’re about to head there now. The dogs are fine there use to bug dogs and aren’t afraid and I do understand the dog may get excited seeing them that’s not a problem at all


Sheri-6:31 PM

Be safe!


Guest- 6:32 PM

Thank you

Question does the tree house have some sort of screen or net on it to block out the bugs?


Sheri-7:02 PM

It does not.


Guest- 7:04 PM

Okay that’s fine I’ll get bug spray

Also would you happen to know if there’s a Walmart close by? I want to do a pickup cart but I don’t know the zip code


Sheri- 7:15 PM (sent Google maps info on closest Walmart)


Guest- 7:16 PM

Your the best thank you


Guest- 8:37 PM

One more thing is smoking on the porch okay?


Sheri- 8:38 PM

Yes just clean up your butts 😊


Guest- 8:38 PM

Okay thanks again

Do we have to move the table to pull out the futon?


Sheri- 8:42 PM

Not far- maybe a foot

Jul 19, 2024

Guest- 11:37 AM

Good morning so last night around the stove area I did see 2 roaches but wasn’t afraid to kill them I also saw bug spray underneath the sink I’ll use it today if that’s okay , and is it okay to use the grill that’s on the porch? & to make s’mores by the fire pit?


Sheri- 11:57 AM

Ugh yes please use the bug spray- I haven’t seen any for a while.
Affirmative on the grill and s’mores


Guest- 12:00 PM

Okay thanks

Jul 20, 2024

Guest- 9:37 AM

Good morning we woke up this morning and there was a pile of ants in the sink


Sheri- 9:40 AM

Are you keeping all food in the fridge?


Guest- 9:40 AM

Yes the only thing that was in the sink was a fork that had nothing on it


Sheri- 9:41 AM

🤦‍♀️I will have the exterminator out Monday


Guest- 10:19 AM



Guest- 4:08 PM

Hey we’re going to grill today if that’s fine and a few of my family is coming over but we’ll be in the tree house that’s why I asked if it was okay to have a few people over and we won’t be loud

It won’t be anymore than 12 people in the tree house


Sheri- 4:09 PM

No worries! Have fun!


Guest- 4:11 PM

Thank you so much


Guest- 7:15 PM

Hey what are the dogs names


Sheri- 7:17 PM

The red one is Hercules and the giant one is Andre


Guest- 7:19 PM

Okay lol thanks because we made our own names I couldn’t think of theirs they are so playful and sweet especially Andre


Sheri- 7:19 PM

I’m glad he’s behaving! He tries but sometimes gets to be too much

Jul 21, 2024

*10:30AM I met 3 of the 4 guests outside the cottage as I was returning the other guests to the cabin after they fed the llamas cookies. All 3 guests raved about the Treehouse and what a wonderful place this is and how much they love it. Guests did leave the Treehouse area very neat and clean

Guest- 11:47 AM

Good morning so when we woke up and looked on the stove theirs like these small black pebbles not sure what it could be from but I did clean it off just don’t know if we are going to stay the remainder of the trip due to us having kids the bugs are a bit much outside is understandable but inside I’ve already seen two roaches , and now it’s pebbles on the stove

& the Wi-Fi kinda acts up I don’t have any signal out here


Sheri- 11:50 AM

If you decide to leave I will refund you the nights you don’t use.
I’m sorry it’s not working out for you.

If you want to stay in the area, there’s a brand new Best Western in Chandler that’s very nice


Guest- 12:04 PM

We’re going to stay here just need to get some sort of bug spray


Sheri- 12:06 PM

Ok 😊
There is what’s under both sinks and I’m calling the exterminator first thing tomorrow to get them to do the outside perimeters and under the house ASAP


Guest- 1:14 PM

Okay thank you


Guest- 3:49 PM

Hello is there extra tissue and paper towels anywhere or should I make a trip to the store? If so I don’t mind


Sheri- 3:51 PM

There should have been 3 rolls of TP and 2 rolls of paper towels. I can bring you more when I go out to feed about 7:30


Guest- 4:02 PM

Okay thank you so much


Sheri4:03 PM



Sheri- 7:29 PM

Left them on top of the AC unit 😊


Guest- 7:55 PM

Okay sorry I had to run somewhere


Sheri- 7:56 PM

No worries!

Jul 22, 2024


Sheri- 11:15 AM

The exterminator can’t spray this week because of the rain but he will leave 2 bug baits on the AC unit tomorrow
Put one on the kitchen counter behind the microwave and one in the bathroom behind the plant on the sink- both places your little one can’t get to.
He said unless you leave the front door open the bugs should stay out the rest of the week because the only reason they come inside is to get water


Guest- 4:28 PM

Okay thank you so much also would you happen to have a stopper for the tub?


Sheri= 4:28 PM

Hmmm maybe it’s under the sink?


Guest- 4:38 PM (sends photo of tub plug)

So this one let’s all the water out when I used it the first night here it doesn’t hold the water in


Sheri- 4:40 PM

I can pick something up at the dollar store tomorrow.


Guest- 4:42 PM

Your the best I’m gonna use this one again and see what happens not sure if I bumped against it the first time to let the water out


Sheri- 4:43 PM

Ok! Just let me know 😊


Guest- 4:44 PM


Hey so it held water pretty good I think I bumped against it last time so you don’t need to get a new one


Sheri- 5:11 PM

Ok 😊


Guest- 7:24 PM

Sorry to bother you the 6 month old (Andre) knocked down the plant thing that was on the table outside with the flowers inside and he keeps trying to chew on our car tire


Sheri- 7:25 PM

I’ll be calling them to dinner in a few minutes
I dont think he can hurt your tires


Guest- 7:26 PM

We understand but chewing on them can mess them up

Jul 23, 2024

Guest- 1:47 AM

I’m so sorry I know it’s late and I’ve reached out to you numerous times about the Airbnb but there is a mouse that was rattling in the snack box you left on the kitchen table , he’s literally on the stove top running back and forth behind the microwave

This is a bit unacceptable my girlfriend and kids are terrified of mice I tried to catch a picture of him but he ran

I still have to stay here for the remainder of my stay because I put everything towards this Airbnb but I would like to see if I can get partial of my refund back because again this is unacceptable and I’ve had a few issues since I’ve been here

Message from Airbnb Service

Help Guest with an issue. Review details


Request from your guest

Request a partial refund

Requested refund

$200 USD

Guest message

Due to the mice situation I wanted at least half of my money I paid for the Airbnb although we have no other choice to stay here because again I spent everything I had on this Airbnb but we are going to have to do something because this place is to clean to have mice running around 

Guest- 8:03 AM

Good morning sis you get my messages and has Airbnb reached out


Sheri- 8:06 AM

I’m very sorry the cottage is not working out for you.

If you check out before 3p today, I will refund you everything Air BnB will allow me to, in order for you to find somewhere more acceptable.


Guest- 8:06 AM

I can’t because I don’t have any cash left

But at the same time I’m not happy with it and did want at least partial of my refund back we have no where else to go I spent my last on this Airbnb


Sheri- 8:16 AM

Honestly, the mouse prolly ducked in whenever the door was open. It’s what they do.

You’ve already spent almost half of your nights here, and I feel I’ve done all I could to be accommodating and ensure your stay is pleasant.

Broken down, you’re already receiving rates and discounts that average under $50 a night.


Message from Airbnb Service

You declined Guest’s request to resolve an issue. Review details


You declined


The refund amount is unreasonable

Your message

I’ve declined this request, as it would bring your total stay for 9 nights to just a little over $200. My offer stands to refund the maximum amount allowed by Air BnB if you check out by 3p today, so I can get the cottage clean and hopefully rebook it by tomorrow. I am truly sorry it didn’t work out. 

July 23, 2024 at 8:26:16 AM CDT


Guest- 8:30 AM

I’ve reached out to Airbnb support thank you


Guest- 11:53 AM

The door isn’t even opened a lot only when we leave the Airbnb and that’s during the day time so I’m sure we would’ve saw the mice come in if it’s daylight we never went anywhere during the night time because it’s too dark out here in this area I do respect you for accommodating me with letting me have guest over and the tissue and paper towels but the roaches , ants and mice you don’t seem to worried about and that’s my issues which was why I reached out to Airbnb and showed videos and pictures now theirs mice poop all over the stove that I will not clean because this is the second time I’ve cleaned mice poop I shouldn’t have to do this on my vacation it’s nasty and unsanitary will not be booking again im waiting to hear back from Airbnb as far as what could be done because this is very sad and I will be leaving an honest review about my stay

The key is in the door like it was when we got here, I did clean everything but the rat poop off the stove

Towels are clean and folded the sheets and blanket is in the washer


Sheri- 12:00 PM

I’m sorry it didn’t work for you. Please cancel your reservation on your end. Air BnB support should be able to help you with that.
Safe travels!


Guest- 12:01 PM

They already canceled it goodbye

Message from Airbnb Service

Guest canceled this reservation.

 *Guest did leave the house clean, so I appreciate that.

*My offer of a full refund within the Air BnB guidelines would have been between $250-$300

 *Air BnB allowed them to cancel their remaining nights and under Air BnB’s policy, refunded them $135.




1 comment:

  1. "Rat" poop!?! Good on AirBNB with the refund. Let's stay in the country! It will be just like the city! Glad a few more folks got to enjoy the tree house! Andre needed to chew all of those tires!



  There was no way she could sleep like this. One scrunched underneath her, the other draped awkwardly over the top of her. She tried re...